Analyzer – Golf Video Analysis
3rd generation software for next- gen instruction

“I have Analyzr Pro installed on my Macbook Pro and use it every week I’m out on Tour. It is invaluable to me and a huge part of my tournament preparation each week. I am, without question, a better player because of it.”
Edoardo Molinari
European PGA Tour Member
Ryder Cup Team Member.
Andrew has found that these same tools can not only help the Pros but amateurs too with Instructor support. using this 3rd generation swing analysis technology allows you to:
- Hear the instructor explain those complicated lines over your video
- Understand your swing and what is hindering you from achieving your best game
- Gain advice and tips specifically designed to help you fix those persistent swing faults and/or common problems like topping and slicing the ball
- Get your Golf Video analyzed quickly – No waiting, No postage and No packaging costs
It takes just 4 easy steps:
Take a video of your swing from two separate angles (1) face on at the belt buckle and (2) down the line between your feet and the ball
Create an account by clicking ‘First Time User’. You will be connected to the Andrew Linch Golf Locker room and can then upload your video. (Video playing time – 15mins or less).
Pay for your Swing Analysis package (USD $40.00) with Secure Paypal via our website using the Start Now Insert at the bottom of the page (under the login)
48 hours later check your Andrew Linch Golf Account to receive your swing analysis

No waiting, No postage and packaging costs.
Andrew I learnt more in one hour with you than in the last 5 years of lessons that I’ve had. Sorry for ringing you after my round but i could not believe the improvements in my game after one lesson. You have a customer for life. Thanks again.
Joe - Florida. USA